John Alexander Symonds “I'd say: ‘join the KGB and see the world’ - first class. I went to all over the world on these jobs and I had a marvellous time. I stayed in the best hotels, I visited all the best beaches, I've had access to beautiful women, unlimited food, champagne, caviar whatever you like and I had a wonderful time. That was my KGB experience. I don't regret a minute of it ...” |
About John Symonds 4 |
John Alexander
Symonds |
This is a collection of biographical notes which John has sent to various ghostwriters over a 20 year period, all of whom have promised to turn these notes into books of his life story.
The notes were first made in 1982 for the first ghostwriter, and the same notes have been updated and sent on to the other ghostwriters, including the most recent. They all wanted some background to John before they started on the meat of the story, and these notes were John's supplied background. We now put these notes up for the same reasons.
John is still waiting for a book to be published ..... |
A careful reader may well have 'raised an eyebrow' at line on page where I mention 'The Church'. (and then go on to become a professional 'perjurer') It is true to say that I was seriously considering a career in the Church. My Boy Scout Troop was a 'Church' troop (we met in the Church hall). I had gone in for Scouting with the same enthusiasm as with everything else in my life. I was soon the 'Troop Leader' and wearing every badge it was possible to get. What to do next? I decided to start a Troop Magazine and entitled it 'Contact'. I appointed myself Editor and with a staff of one (myself) set about filling some pages. Dressed in 'full fig' (and wearing that ridiculous hat) I went to the Town Hall and badgered the Mayor into contributing an 'article', ditto the local Bishop (who had 'confirmed' me) and every other local dignitary I could get hold of. I must have been an absolute nuisance. In those days (just after the war) the small boys' heroes of the day were the 'War Heroes' and when two of the most famous, 'Cats Eyes' Cunningham and Leonard Cheshire visited our Church and spoke to our 'Crusader' bible class, I (of course ) pestered them for a contribution to my 'Contact' Magazine and thus brought myself to their notice.
I sent them copies of the magazines with their contributions and 'thank you' notes and I later received invitations to attend 'summer camps' which consisted of bible reading and prayer groups and interviews with high ranking Churchmen. I was being subtly 'groomed' for the Church. The fact that I had made myself 'very busy' and involved in most of the Church activities had helped in my selection. It all fizzled out in the end.
These notes may have given you another 'facet' of my character. Very normal I think.
My main memories of those days were that there were 'never enough hours in a day' for my School, Scouts, Sports, Church, 'Omnivorous' Reading and Stamp Collecting.
The next note refers to line on page when commenting on Moody's tactic of 'turning' a colleague in a discipline investigation. This was an innovation (in a discipline enquiry) for such a tactic was likely to open 'Pandora's Box' instead of bringing the matter to a quiet and 'just' conclusion. (as Lambert had sought to do).
He was creating a situation where C.I.D. Officers were to be invited to choose whether to "hang alone or hang together" This had been his skill when extorting bribes from Criminals, and it was a method used only in 'extreme' Policing cases.
Extreme Policing occurred when the Police were given 'carte-blanche' to use any method, device, dirty trick, illegal action, unlawful act, viz ANYTHING to achieve their objective, which was to bring down, arrest, imprison, destroy or even 'disappear' their given 'targets' by all and any means at any or every cost. 'Extreme Policing'.
I know of only a few cases where such methods were used. (including my own). There was not a Policeman in the land who could authorise such action (or any 'General' etc).
The authority could only be political & at a very high level (Home Secretary or above).
The Police were after all the 'enforcement' arm of the Government (now the S.A.S.).
It was 'politically expedient' for the 'Richardson Gang' to be disabled and dismantled and their leaders imprisoned. They had got out of their depth by getting involved in South African 'apartheid' politics, and carrying out 'actions' against opponents of that regime under the instructions of the South African Secret Service. They had gone to South Africa to steal a diamond mine and murdered at least one person in the process.
It is a long and interesting 'story' (in which I played a part) but at this 'note' stage, and for the moment, The Richardsons were completely fitted up with the 'torture' scenario and then conned to withhold their devastating 'complaint' until after their Appeal.
It was 'politically expedient' for the 'Kray Gang' to be disabled and dismantled and their leaders imprisoned. They had got out of their depth by seeking to 'blackmail' Members of Parliament up to and including Ministerial level. They also sought to 'blackmail' Aristocrats up to the fringes of Royalty level and certain of 'The Great and The Good'. They relied upon a comprehensive library of Films, Photographs, and Tape Recordings of the above mentioned engaging in buggery, oral sex and other such practices with the Kray brothers themselves or with male prostitutes or street urchins supplied by the Kray brothers. As with the Richardsons the 'real' offences were not mentioned and the 'turning' process was used effectively in this case.
There are several other politically expedient cases where 'extreme policing' was used but mine was the first police discipline case where extreme measures were taken to ensure that I was convicted of 'something or anything' at all costs. (But not the last.).
This is the last note to clarify an item from the preceding pages If I have left anything else 'unexplained' I will return to it in the next 'tranche' which will cover 1970 to 1980
On line in page I refer to Munro as a 'Jockson' (or Jockonic) and the 'Jockafia'.
When I first joined the Police I was also a new recruit to Freemasonry. I had joined whilst in the Army and at the earliest possible age of 21. I had to wait until I was that age as my Father was not only not a Freemason, but he considered Freemasonry to be the 'curse' of the Services. As had his Father before him. If my Father had been a Freemason I could have joined at the age of 19. I did not tell my Father I had joined.
I found Freemasonry in England to be the preserve of the wealthier or upper classes and people of working class origin were likely to be nearer to middle age before being invited to join their local lodge. (Remember I am now talking about the 1950's).
In Scotland however the situation was quite the reverse and Freemasonry was definitely the preserve of the 'working' classes. The plumbers, painters, carpenters and bricklayers all seemed to make sure that they took their sons up to the local lodge on their 19th birthdays. And why not? The working class lodges were still healthy then.
In England a worrying 'pattern' was emerging in Freemasonry (I 'could' enlarge on).
At the Police training school I was invited to a 'meeting' during the first 'days'. I found that those present included the 'very keen' Commandant, some elderly members of the permanent Staff, myself and a 'dozen and a half' 19 year old Scottish youths.
It seemed that the promised 'advantages' of joining were not quite so 'exclusive' as I had imagined. I feel sure that the honest working class fathers of these young lads had no idea of the full extent of the 'benefits' they were bestowing on their sons together with their 'birthright' membership of the Freemasons. (or maybe they did)!
The boys were a bit 'over the top' "Have I nae shaken hands with ye" (How did they think that I came to be at that meeting) and so 'I made my excuses and left the scene'.
The very keen Commandant was later to become the Commissioner of the City of London Police and his Freemasonry was to prove to be the cause of his 'ruination'.
Many people had noticed (also those who joined the Police) the 'preponderance' of young Scottish Sergeants, Inspectors (and Higher Ranks) in the Metropolitan Police (I do not know about the other Forces, but I suspect the same).Maybe people thought that they were harder working or more intelligent than the 'thicko' Non Scottish Plods.
The truth was that the 19 year old Freemasons had a huge advantage over their fellow recruits. They were 'pre-plugged' into a system that would give them a 'flying start' in any Branch they may choose to serve, access to 'exam papers in advance' up to Inspector and well established 'contacts' to help them through all the interviews up to Chief Constable (and beyond) It was (and still is) of course 'quite wrong' and led to resentment throughout the Police Service and incidentally also the Armed Services.
Hence the derisory epithets Jockson (masonic son of Scottish Mason). Jockonic or Jocksonic (masonic 'fix' by masonic sons of Scottish Masons) and Jockafia refers to the Scottish 'Mafia' formed by and for the benefit only of the 'Scottish' Freemasons.
It must be mentioned that not all of the Jockafia were the sons of honest working class men, many came from Glasgow Gorbals type families and also inherited their Fathers 'criminal tendencies'. They became very rich and sometimes very notorious.
It was not just the Police Force, I found the same 'set-ups' in other walks of life all over the world and particularly so in the Army where their lodges were most often comprised of a few 'Ranker' type officers, Warrant Officers, some senior Sergeants and a majority of young Scottish conscripts who were quick to exploit the perceived 'special relationship', asking for extra leave passes and even accelerated promotions!
I could do a book just on these 'matters' but we should deal with this subject carefully.
The young Scottish Freemasons were only making good use of the 'advantage' that had fallen to them through the slightly different developments of Freemasonry in England and Scotland. Many English Freemasons joined straight from Public School.
Freemasonry did not go 'bad' until it became a 'really and truly' Secret Society. That was not until the later 1960's when The Act Of Parliament that had caused lodges to submit a list of members annually to their Town Clerk was quietly (and secretly?) repealed. This brought about an 'explosion' of new lodges and we had corrupt Police forming new lodges and recruiting Criminals and Criminals forming new lodges and recruiting corrupt Police etc etc. The same also happened in well established lodges.
A man I had known since my Bow Street days invited me to 'his' newly formed lodge in that area. He had held for many years one of the most lucrative Street Trading Licences in Town. He had no need to introduce me to those present, I knew them all.
A number of market traders and the Bow Street 'posting' Sgt (who was in their pay) Several other Street Traders and the Senior Police Officer who controlled the issuing of the annual Street Trading Licences (who was also in their pay) the three sons of my friend who were aged 19, 20 and 22, the sons of other members and a selection of prosperous local criminals and publicans. My friend boasted that there was a 'waiting list' of people who were anxious to join his lodge It was a very boozy and jolly night.
Another lodge I knew contained the now normal 'mix' of Criminals and Police, some of whom later kindly provided their Criminal 'Brothers' with the loan of their Police uniforms in order to help them to stop a bullion lorry and steal the contents. (more?).
Freemasonry was now 'out of control' Their authorities did not know who was or was not 'inducted' and did not even know of the 'existence' of some of the newer 'lodges' where there was no lodge discipline or control, anybody could walk in or out, and did.
It was ironic that the repeal of the 'Secret Societies Act' (possibly in order to make Freemasonry really secret) had in fact led to its 'disintegration', and being thrown open to all and any kind of person and its 'secrets' being disseminated to everybody.
Masonic lodges had long been considered as the 'safest place for a secret deal' and now they became the main and favoured centre for Police/Criminal corrupt 'deals' often using a senior lodge member to 'hold' the bribe money until the deal was satisfactorily completed. The powerful and binding oaths guaranteeing its secrecy.
A very good friend of mine committed suicide after discovering that the lodge of which he was then the 'Master' had been used as the 'secure' meeting place of criminals and corrupt Police to arrange the transfer of bribe money to Police Officers up to and including the rank of Commander who undertook to arrange that a criminal charged with murdering one of their colleagues should escape justice (which he did).
'Taffy' a trusting man had held the bribe money unaware of the purpose of the 'deal'.
I did not want to mention Freemasonry (or at least avoid it as much as possible) but it is inextricably involved throughout my 'tale' from losing Korea and up until today.
My 'recruiter' had told me that I would find Freemasonry 'useful' in my life. It was.
It was useful to me as an Army Officer in Germany in 1956, as a 'uniformed Police Officer at Bow Street in 1957, as a salesman for 'Rickards of Watling Street' in the City of London in 1958 and as a 'Business Systems Consultant' for Lamson Paragon of High Holborn in 1959. Freemasonry was 'very' useful to me as a C.I.D. Officer from 1960 to 1970. I had remained very 'loyal' to Freemasonry and my friends within, throughout that period and I was still being loyal when I offered, what I considered to be, a 'constructive criticism' of the abuse of Freemasonry by certain C.I.D. Officers.
This criticism was included in a sworn affidavit 'given into the hand' of the then Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police by my then Lawyer Victor Lissack.
This was in 1971 and I was 'keeping to my word'. I had warned Moody through a third party that I knew what he was doing to me and that he should 'stop it' as I knew all about him and if he succeeded in 'fitting me up' it would be 'him' that I took with me and not just 'whomever he had turned'. Moody had been 'amused' by this threat.
Moody then turned all his forces (both Squads, his and Williamsons) on to a massive investigation of every action I had ever taken whilst a C.I.D. Officer to find anything or something that could be used against me in order to convict me in a Court of Law.
I heard that he was sending his Officers to visit criminals in the London prisons and offering inducements to anyone who could say anything against Symonds! Of course there were many 'takers' and I was being served with further allegations which were all obviously concocted in return for 'bail' or other favours. I will give examples later.
I then managed to 'corner' Moody and confront him personally. He was not 'amused' on this occasion, but he was certainly 'frightened' (full details of conversation 'later').
Moody went back to the Yard and had a lot of things to say about me (but not that we had 'met') and from then on openly and at every opportunity rubbished me as a totally corrupt dangerous lunatic. That was when I sat down to prepare my 'sworn affidavit'.
Maybe we can recover this document (under the '30' year rule?) It was a detailed complaint against Moody and his conduct with respect to the Enquiry. The lay out was more or less the same as the preceding pages of these 'notes'. The Times article and the background to it. The original Times Enquiry, the background to it and the conclusions it had reached. The full relationship between Thomson and Virgo and Virgo and Moody. The Dirty Squad, The set up and the organised corruption and the influence of and the connection with Freemasonry. Moody had taken the 'main players' into Freemasonry (and his lodge) so that all could be 'bound together' in FM.
I reported that it was obviously very 'wrong and inexcusable' that the C.I.D. Officer responsible for controlling and regulating 'Obscene Publications' should so closely involve himself in Freemasonry with the main importers and purveyors of those same obscene publications such as Mason, Humphries, Ron 'the Dustman' and others.
I offered to supply corroborating evidence to all the above and suggested that an Enquiry should be set up to examine the advisability of C.I.D. Officers being allowed to be Freemasons as they considered their Masonic Oath to override their Police Oath.
I also complained bitterly about the way Moody had destroyed Lambert's work and had 'turned the Enquiry around', rewriting statements, destroying books of 'record' and was now trawling the prisons in order to 'concoct' spurious further complaints against me. I regretted that repealing the Act requiring lodge lists to be officially recorded had led to the (then) present situation of 'anarchy' within Freemasonry.
The 'tone' of my report was more in sorrow than in anger and I accepted that there were many honest and decent Police Officers who enjoyed their Freemasonry in honest and decent lodges. I specified that C.I.D. Officers who dealt entirely with crime and criminals should be requested to withdraw from Freemasonry in view of the fact that it had now clearly been penetrated by large numbers of active criminals.
My true objective of course was to 'throw a spanner into the works' and I do not know how obvious this was. I look forward to reading the report again. My idea was to get Moody and Co off the Enquiry and an honest Officer to take over again (Lambert?).
This was a 'bomb' (and designed to be so) I sat back and waited for the 'explosion'!
Nothing. Silence. No phone calls. No visitors. Silence reigned (and still does).
I later found out what had happened. The Commissioner (or an assistant) had looked at it and saw that it was a complaint lodged by a C.I.D. Officer under suspension.
The complaint was against the C.I.D. Officers carrying out the Enquiry against the suspended Officer. This appeared to be a C.I.D. matter and so my Affidavit was sent across to the A.C.C. No one knows whether he ever saw it. but it was said that the A.C.C. just gave it unopened to his Deputy to 'deal with'. (or it was intercepted before it got to the A.C.C.). My complaint was now in the hands of those complained about.
And it is at this point:- Page Line Where my story really starts. From this point onwards events occurred that led me 'into the arms' of the K.G.B. It is imperative for you to know what led to this point and in my opinion also, for any future 'readers'.
These are just notes to help you prepare a synopsis and perhaps a sample chapter so I have left out the thousands of facts and the hundreds of pages 'filling in' the above.
Some of these points I listed under 'Must Mention' on the 'spare' page + many others.
My Affidavit simply 'disappeared' N.S.Y. did not answer Lissacks letters about any 'progress' regarding the 'substance of the complaint'. They waited until he had died before daring to claim that "He had never handed it in to N.S.Y." Meanwhile Moody had announced to the Enquiry Squad that I had made a complaint against 'everybody' and that I was a "dirty lying bastard who was going to get what was coming to him".
He then summoned every Freemason on the Enquiry (all the O.P.O. Officers) a large percentage of the Met Officers and a few of the 'Williamson' Squad) to a 'private' meeting which he declared to be 'on the square' and solemnly announced that he had received 'distressing' information. It appeared that he now had 'proof' that I had reneged on all my Masonic oaths, undertakings and obligations and had become an 'unworthy' person and an 'enemy' of all Freemasons. I had made serious allegations against the 'craft' and had betrayed many 'matters that should remain secret' . It was obvious to him that I had 'lost my mind' but nevertheless must be treated as unworthy.
Basically (and to put a lot of oath taking 'ritual' into brief note form) if what Moody said was true I had made myself an 'outcast' (to be contemptuously denigrated by all) Moody had brought of a 'coup' He had made me the 'fox' Himself the 'Hunt-Master'.
To cut a long story short (but there are 'hundreds' of pages on this subject ‘available’) I had made a mistake. I apparently should not have included anything to do with the subject of Freemasonry in my complaint to the Commissioner. There were other ways available to deal with these sort of matters 'in house' (and in secrecy) Or so I was told.
My (non mason) friends on the Enquiry Squad had told me about Moody's remarks about me and were curious about the content of my complaint "And had I mentioned them”? They said that Moody had commandeered the Canteen for a meeting but did not know what it was all about, except that all the 'bloody' Freemasons had gone to it.
I still did not know about Moody's 'edict' (or fatwa) when I found myself the subject of a 'mass animosity' directed towards me by many of the Freemasons I did know and many I did not. This took the course of the sad shaking of heads, distress signals and death threat signals by drawing their fingers across their throats etc (I will detail later).
My Masonic friends 'withdrew' from me and some 'cut' me in the street. It did cross my mind that this could result from my Report to the Commissioner and I did suspect that it had been taken badly. I had no idea of what had really happened to the Report.
I do not want to start talking about my 'feelings' (not in these notes anyway) but I was glad that I had never become seriously involved in Freemasonry, and definitely never was 'totally committed' to it as some were (usually the 'simpler' souls) I only 'used' it.
Some had adopted the 'craft' as a religion (having been without belief before?) and I think that if I had been that committed the foregoing incidents would have broken me.
I tried to analyse my feelings about what happened to me since the Times story broke.
I had been firstly calm and trusting in justice, then puzzled, then disbelieving, then outraged, then combative, then desperate, then rash, then coldly determined to win against all odds, then prepared to risk all in a 'last ditch' counter attack The Affidavit.
'Strange things' started to happen to me that brought home the 'enormity of my crime'.
A relative of mine was approached in his lodge by a 'visitor' who with bulging eyes and a copiously frothing mouth 'ranted' about my betrayal and then collapsed sobbing.
Another relative who was a CID 'Freemason' took it upon himself to visit Lissack in his Office, introduce himself as my Cousin and then proceed to tell Lissack that he should know that I was a very corrupt and dangerous man and he should be 'careful'?
Lissack telephoned me with this news (by this time I was recording everything) and I was quick to ask my 'Cousin' why he had been to see Lissack and why did he try to harm me.? My 'Cousin' denied the conversation described by Lissack but could only slam down the telephone after I had played over to him Lissacks recorded 'allegation'.
The family 'rift' this caused remains unhealed to this day. The children lost an 'uncle'.
I was recording my 'phone calls because I had started to receive very threatening calls.
I became worried about the safety of my family and sold my house as quickly
as I could. I then bought a smaller house near to my brothers, for my mother
and children.
I had gone to a small 'strange' Public House to meet a member of the Enquiry Squad who had claimed to have information about the 'Bumpkins' (Williamsons Squad) who were playing the leading part in 'trawling the prisons' for any allegations against me.
I was awaiting the arrival of 'Blackman' when I noticed a group of men at the other end of the Bar staring at me and 'whispering' together. I had decided to wait outside in my car when they suddenly 'came at me'. I was walking towards the exit when I received a number of blows to the back of my head. Amongst the shouts and curses I recognised the voice of one of my threatening telephone callers. A Glasgow accent calling me "Jimmy" I beat all three men very badly, but 'worse' I tried to kill them all.
The full story of the 'big fight' which was never 'reported' by the maimed victims was a talking point in that pub (and district) for many years afterwards. I never went back.
'Strangers' apparently tried to 'run me over' on more than one occasion, an unknown man threatened me with an axe! but each and every attempt to 'put me in fear' fell flat.
I had been worried about the safety of my family but I felt only contempt for the threats and those behind them. I realised that certain people could be more in fear of me and what I knew about them then I was of them but I knew full well that I could be killed to ensure my silence. I decided to write down everything I knew about everybody who may even 'possibly' be behind the recent events as an 'Insurance'.
The Committal of Robson, Harris and myself had been given a date for 'hearing'.
Although our alleged offences were 'unrelated' the 'Times' had 'lumped us together' for the purposes of 'pumping up' the story The alleged offences of Robson and Harris WERE quite serious, whereas I was just trying to recruit an 'informant' the 'soft way'.
My 'rather silly' recruiting 'spiel' added to the R&H 'dealings' with Perry, gave a 'whole new picture' Robson planting gelignite on Perry, and Harris doing a whole series of corrupt acts 'on the side' was wrong, but they were only two Met Officers.
My recruiting spiel, after being judiciously 'edited' (which it was) could be spliced in with the R&H conversations and actions, to give the impression that such behaviour was a 'Standard Practice' throughout the Met (which it was) That was the 'T' story!
Simply:- Take 'Hard' recruiting 'actions' and mix them together with 'Soft' recruiting 'promises' and there you have the 'recipe', not for a 'cake', but for a 'Police Scandal'!
York and Lambert had seen the danger and had separated the 'ingredients' so that I was cleared and R&H would stand alone to answer only for their own specific actions.
Virgo and Moody were obviously 'blinded by greed' or 'blinded by hatred' as a result of my resistance, defiance, threats and then, the 'affidavit'. Whichever, they re-mixed!
There is a lot of 'background' about whether R&H & self should be 'separated' or not.
There is a lot of 'background' about the Tape recordings , 'continuous exercise' or not.
There is a lot of 'background' about the 'Evidence', made 'available to defence' or not.
Virgo and Moody had 'fitted me up' using all the resources of the Metropolitan Police.
The committal papers were served and I was obviously 'well and truly stitched up'
The Times evidence had been completely 're-done' the tape recordings had been edited and incriminating words added, and helpful words had been deleted.
The reporters had been 'trained' by Moody to give their evidence in a professional manner and all of Lambert's work had disappeared. The original Statements were not served or listed and their existence was denied. (Fortunately I had 'acquired' some).
The Yard had retained their heaviest 'guns' Mathew and Ducann for the 'Committal'?
The worst thing was that a whole 'raft' of extra frivolous charges had been added to make me 'look bad' These were the fruits of the 'trawl' of local prisons and criminals.
I felt sure these 'extra' charges would be disposed of once I had briefed Gardiner.
Unfortunately he had been 'busy' and unable to keep our last 'three' appointments? The case was due up very soon and I did not see how he could be briefed in time.
Lissack had been behaving 'strangely' ever since 'giving in' the Affidavit. All very odd He had been 'distant' and 'abrupt'. He then told me that 'he had accepted' a Section 1. Committal i.e. "No Contest" Just accept the papers and 'on we go' to the Old Bailey.
I was shocked. I had been looking forward to the Committal and well prepared for it.
R&H each had Q.C.'s and I had Gardiner and with the Tapes 'out' there was no case.
We were all being Committed together although I had tried to go first 'alone' with the weakest case against me and my Tapes were the most obviously 'doctored ' ones.
R&H had been happy with me going first because their chances would have been improved if my portion of the tape recordings had already been rejected by the Court.
The prosecution had insisted that we were all Committed together because the tapes were a 'series', some 'common' to R&H and myself with conversations 'overlapping'!
It would be a waste of Court Time and Public Money if same evidence used 'twice'.
I accepted that we should be committed together re the above 'point' with the bonus of three Q.C.'s and their experts added to mine should make a very powerful defence.
The 'third' Q.C. was a senior Judge who had approached Robson's City Lawyers and expressed his 'outrage' at the 'injustice' of (something or other to do with the case) and had offered his 'services' 'pro bono' to the Defence Teams of R&H. just a few days before the Hearing. R&H Teams were excited and flattered about this development.
Lissacks sudden 'fait accompli' of accepting a 'Sec 1' had deprived me of sharing in the 'Good Luck' of R&H. because it was now arranged for R&H to be Committed 'alone' (as my Lawyer had accepted Sec 1) I would now have to follow in their 'wake'.
This meant that if they failed to get the tapes thrown out I would have less chance of having mine rejected. The same for any future trial I could go down in their 'wake'!
I was sure that there was a tie-up here and it was possible it was to do with the 'Fatwa'.
I recalled that Lissack had been friendly with Virgo since he was at Bow Street in the 1950's and he was always Moody's guest at the Police Boxing Competitions!!!
I asked Lissack why he had not informed me of his decision to accept a Section 1?
He said that he was my Lawyer and in his opinion Sec 1 was the best course to take.
Lissack knew that I had 'dissected' the Committal Papers and identified many flaws.
He knew that I had great confidence in Gardiner getting 'everything' thrown out @ C
I insisted that the Sec 1 be cancelled and the full committal hearing was undertaken. Lissack said that he would personally conduct the Committal (New Rules allowed).
I said others had each a Q.C and Junior 'C' and I expected Gardiner to represent me.
Lissack said "You cannot have Gardiner" I said "Well in that case you are sacked".
This conversation took place at Wells Street Magistrates Court where everybody was attending the final (pre-trial)l Hearing arrangements His sacking was very 'public'.
Lissack was absolutely furious, he threw down his file and interrupted the Magistrate to ask permission to leave the Courtroom as he "had just been dismissed by his client".
''Lissack was regarded as an 'Establishment Lawyer' He was 'well in' at N.S.Y. and appeared at all the functions.(particularly Masonic) He knew everybody and did many of the Police 'private' legal cases, Divorce and House purchases etc etc.
He did not do many Criminal cases as he operated from a small office in Convent Garden (opposite Bow Street Police Station) and had only a small staff. I had known him since 1956.
He was definitely in N.S.Y.'s pocket and I had a strong feeling he was 'their man'.
His peculiar behaviour (and Gardiners) could well reflect the Yards 'displeasure'.
Lissacks actions had scuppered my most secret 'plan' which was shared with only one other person in the world and if it had been put into practice may well have 'saved all'.
If I had to sack Lissack I would seek to conduct my own Committal. I had seen how effective this could be in a previous case with several Defendants, with one of them representing himself and (not being bound by the legal 'niceties') scoring good points.
I was left the day before the R&H committal with no legal representation at all.
I decided to look on the other side of the fence. I was most displeased with the Establishment Lawyer so I decided to go for the exact opposite end of the spectrum.
I would find an anti-establishment Lawyer. The best place to find one was in the Highly Confidential "Black Book" kept in the Station Safe of every Police Station.
This book contained the list of 'dangerous and untrustworthy' Lawyers and all Police were warned to take great care when dealing with them. Say little and make a 'note'.
They were in the habit of making complaints against Police Officers and the one at the top of the list was suspected of actually recording Police Officers who spoke to him on the telephone. He held the record for complaints. He was the one for me!
Benedict Birnberg was not expecting me, when I turned up at his office, on the poor side of London Bridge, but I told him that he had the very highest recommendation for taking over my case, and where I had found it, and that he in fact 'headed the list'.
Ben was not surprised by my 'revelation' in fact he appeared to be amused and later gave the Met Police a 'lot of stick' over their black book system until it was scrapped.
Nearly finished the 'First Half' notes (you will be glad to hear), I went over to 'digging out' some notes for your 'Demolition Job' on the T.M.A. (attached 1, 2 & 3).
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